Your Child's Progress
We offer a variety of opportunities to share information about your child’s progress with you. Once a half term, there will be an informal drop-in session after school from 3:15pm until 3.45pm where your child's teacher will be available to discuss your child's progress as well as look through some of their work. There is no need to book, just pop along with your child to look at their books or to chat with the teacher.
In addition to these, there are parents' evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms and a detailed written report in the Summer Term. The class teachers are available at the end of the day and frequently have informal feedback sessions with parents about pupils progress. We also have certificates awarded for achievement and progress which the pupils receive during Friday assemblies. If we are concerned that a child is not making anticipated progress we will arrange to meet with parents to discuss how we can work together to improve rates of progress. In some cases, we may work with the Learning Support Adviser or Education Psychologist.
If you have any concerns about your child, their progress, or their behaviour either in school or out of school, please come in and talk with us. Your child’s teacher will be available at the end of the day and you can either book an appointment directly with them or arrange this through our school reception. If the matter is more urgent, please come into reception and an appointment with a senior member of staff will be arranged as soon as possible.