Dear Parents/Carers,
I am pleased to let you know that the report from our recent Ofsted inspection is now available.
The process was extremely positive and useful in terms of looking at school improvement and the inspectors were very thorough in their inspection of our school. At this point, Ofsted have judged The Redstart Primary as Good in all areas. This is a fantastic achievement within the new framework. The inspectors talked very positively about the ethos of the school and our wonderful children, calling them “articulate and good natured” and that they know “how to form positive relationships”. Behaviour was described by the inspectors as a strength of the school.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank the hard-working, talented staff team at Redstart who provide your children with a great education. Due to this hard work, inspectors noted that reading is promoted as a “linchpin of the curriculum”, the children are “more capable mathematicians...versatile and accomplished artists….read regularly and increasingly contemplate high quality texts”. In addition, we have created an environment where “pupils feel safe and well cared for” and staff also “encourage pupils to develop their sporting and creative prowess”.
An important aspect of the new inspection framework is a deeper focus on the wider curriculum looking at subjects beyond English and Maths. This change in emphasis was welcomed by Redstart since we have always ensured our children have a wide ranging, engaging curriculum. Recently, we have been creating new curriculum opportunities with a focus on the sequencing of each subject to ensure children build on previous learning whilst acquiring new, memorable knowledge. Ofsted noted that “Leaders have used the recent changes in leadership to take a fresh look at the school’s curriculum” and recognise that plans are in process for ensuring the curriculum is well planned and implemented.
Other highlights from the report include the following:
- Children in Nursery and Reception get off to a strong start in their understanding of phonics.
- Older pupils enjoy taking responsibility for younger pupils.
- Pupils look after both their school and community environment.
- Pupils say that bullying is uncommon.
- Staff help pupils to broaden their view of the world.
- Teachers now know what pupils need to learn and when, so that pupils can build up their knowledge year-on-year.
- Leaders are particularly aware of pupils’ social and mental well-being.
- Pupils who find it difficult to manage their emotions or relate positively with their classmates receive effective support.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Areas for development
There are areas for development to ensure that, as soon as possible, we can bring the school back to an outstanding standard. As a leadership team, we worked with the inspection team to identify the following areas for improvement:
- To ensure curriculum plans for all subjects are equally well implemented so that pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills are consistent across the whole school.
- To develop the role of the subject leaders so that there is a greater focus on the impact of their actions on pupils’ learning.
- To sharpen assessment practices across all areas of the curriculum to ensure misconceptions are identified and remedied.
These areas are already part of our school improvement plan. This year we have been supporting our teachers to develop their roles as subject leaders whilst further developing an engaging curriculum that will inspire our children to learn effectively. We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the work that has started and have confirmed that we are moving in the right direction.
Thank you to every member of the school and the wider Trust who are working tirelessly to make Redstart a wonderful place for children to learn. Also, thank you to parents and carers for your welcome support. The Redstart Primary will continue to build on our successes whilst maintaining our ethos of an aspirational, inclusive and caring school.
Please see the full Ofsted report below.